Mold Remediation Photo Gallery

Mold Removal in Mesa AZ

This was a mold removal/remediation job performed by SERVPRO of North Central Mesa in Mesa AZ. The underneath of sink areas is one of the most common places for mold to grow. The reason for this is that mold thrives in dark, damp places. Make sure to check for mold or water issues at least once per quarter. If you have time, checking once per month is preferable!

Mold Growth in Fountain Hills AZ Home

This picture shows how mold can spread from a water issue initially only affecting the carpet and flooring. The house, in Fountain Hills, AZ, was vacant for 3 months because the owner lived up north for the summer. Mold usually starts to grow within 48 to 72 hours from initial water damage, then spreads like wildfire. The cost to remediate the mold and restore the structure was significantly affected by the amount of time the mold had to grow. If you have a property in a location that you do not live in, it is a good idea to have someone check in on the property regularly to make sure these types of issues don't happen. 

Mold Removal Rio Verde AZ

This was a mold removal job up in the Rio Verde Arizona area. The mold problem was caused by a leaking water heater in the garage. Make sure you are doing a visual inspection of your water heater at least once a year. If you see something that looks suspicious, have a professional come check it out for you!

Mold Issues from water damage.

One of the reasons water damage issues need to be taken care of quickly is because they can lead to mold growth pretty quickly. We have dealt with a lot of mold remediation jobs in San Tan Valley, AZ whose primary cause was a water damage issue that was not taken care of promptly.

Living Room Water Loss Job Before and After

This was a before and after from a water damage restoration and mold cleanup job in San Tan Valley, AZ Mold often forms as a result of water damage issues not being taken care of in a timely manner.

If you think you have a water damage issue, no matter how small, make sure to call SERVPRO of North Central Mesa at (480) 553-7103 so we can come check it out for you.

Ever seen something like this before?

Virtually everyone has one type or another of mold somewhere in their home. Although not all types are toxic, it is sometimes difficult to distinguish types without lab testing. That is why it is imperative to treat and remove all molds as if they're potentially harmful. Yes this is indeed a moldy mushroom.